Creating Home

14207735_10153910910712023_5135696515723343206_oLetting go and receiving are life lessons. I can hold on  with a coy deathly grip. Not sure why. Afraid of the unknown…being alone.

Last few days I have started sorting and letting go of more stuff. Decided to stay where I am until the Spring. Chiberia awaits us here in Chicago. Since I decided to stay… I decided to make my studio apartment more homey. I want to walk in and feel myself  breathe deeply and be glad to be there. Going to get matching towels and some cute rugs. Also will be framing and hanging some of my favorite sunrises. I can bring the Sun to me in the cold wee hours of January.

Letting go is getting easier cause I have proven to myself that I show up for me…I can receive. There feels like more of a balance in my Universe and more space within me.



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